Hyperlocal Holidays

This year Modern West Floral Co. has decided to go hyperlocal with our wreath production and we are responsibly (and legally) foraging all boughs from the White River National Forest! Not only are our wreaths super fresh but it also gives us the opportunity to spend time in the Forest exploring and getting to know the trees that we love.

Here’s a peak of what you will find in a MWFC wreath this year! Make sure to check out our online Holiday Shop to bring home your own bundle of the forest. 


Pinyon Pine Pinus edulis

Grows at elevations 5,000’-9,000’. Often growing with juniper and sage. Sweet, sappy smell with robust thick needles that are dark green to green with yellow undertones. 2 needles per fascicle. Flesh of twigs are soft and creamy.


Subalpine Fir Abies bifolia

Grows in moist areas from 7,000’-11,500’. Slender, pointy trees with flat needles that curl upward revealing 2 white stripes on the underside. The least fragrant bough used but a very friendly tree with open arms. 


Rocky Mountain Juniper Juniperus scopulorum

Probably my favorite wreath ingredient this year! Gentle twigs with cute light blue berries that dance among softer than expected scaled leaves. Lovely scent and an overall tinge of blue. Grows at elevations 5,000’-8,500’ on wetter sites. Christmas tree shaped tree when young and matures into a broad irregular shape.


Oneseed Juniper Juniperus monosperma

I’m finding this juniper has less berries than the Rocky Mountain Juniper this year and wondering if this is normal? Seems to be more common in the area I am in and is found among Pinyon and likes dry rocky slopes between 4,000’-7,000’. Chubby little twigs with thicker scaly leaves. Nice scent.